Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Site Surveying

This subject has taught me about the different types of field works. The lecture classes and surveying field work was underwent by Mr Chai Voon Chiet. He gave us a lot of advices and taught us ways on handling the surveying instruments. We learnt a lot of different types of surveying methods namely, the height of collimation method and also the azimuth angle method. We were also able to et our hands on the surveying instruments namely the theodolite and the auto level. This module combines a mix of learning with both theoretical and practical hands-on fieldwork project. A site survey is an inspection of an area where work is done. This surveying work can help determine the best location to undergo construction.

Learning Outcome:
This subject was challenging for me as we had to do so much fieldwork, although it was without a doubt a knowledgable experience nonetheless. I enjoyed most of the fieldwork that we have underwent during the course of the semester, where we were able to learn how to set up and use the equipment for surveying the site area. These are actual land surveying skills but I do believe this subject will be beneficial for us in the future as Quantity Surveyors as we would obtain a very important skill in the industry. Apart from the fieldwork, we were also able to gain some experience in the calculation department whereby we had to encounter angles and errors which needed formulas to solve them. It took me awhile to adapt to these methods of calculation, but with help from Mr. Chai and also my friends, i started to understand more on the importance of these calculations to site surveying.

Construction Technology 2

This subject is a 4 credit hour module whereby the lectures are provided by Mr. Chiew Seng Khoon. It is one of the more important subjects that we must encounter and understand thoroughly as it helps us gain more knowledge on the technology used in the construction industry. The lectures by Mr. Chiew are pretty innovative and interesting as we are advised to share our thoughts and views on the existing technology. We practice more on sketching to identify the different elements in buildings and Mr. Chiew also provided us with plenty of real life situation videos in describing a number of technology used in construction. This helps give us a better understanding in translating notes into real life experiences. This module has enable our development in the knowledge of the fundamentals of design and technology. Such knowledge will enable students to appreciate the decision made on design, functional element, selection and the rational economic use of resources. This subject also explains the fundamentals of piled foundations, excavations, formwork, scaffolding, shoring and underpinning, partition and suspended ceilings, portal frames, precast concrete and steel roof trusses. There are two assignments assigned to us which one of them is an individual assignment. We were assigned to sketch different parts of buildings which includes the foundations and also different compartments of building parts. The other assignment was a group assignment whereby we had to provide a video regarding any part of a construction process. We chose contiguous flight auger piling method as our title. As a team, our aim was to provide an understandable video so that the video could be used as reference to other people as well as upcoming students for this module.

Learning outcome:

This module has help me in learning how to assimilate the theories of construction processes with real life practice. I have learned on how to utilize information effectively in doing my assignments. I also gain more knowledge on the complete construction procedures of various types of buildings with suitable materials and design concepts throughout the whole lectures and examinations. I'd also like to add that the videos that Mr.Chiew has provided for us during lectures, has help us in analyzing the construction nature more thoroughly an effectively.

Building Services 1

Building Services 1 is a 3 credit hour module taught by Dr. Kam Kenn Jhun. This module has taught our class an introduction to the services that are provided in buildings, namely, cold water treatment and supply, sewerage disposal and treatment, storm water management, telecommunication services, and ventilation systems. It equips students with the knowledge in planning, coordination and installation of these services. We are also taught to familiarize ourselves with the Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL). Regarding the assignment of this module, we were asked to form a group of 6 people whereby we had to prepare a documentation report as well as preparing slides for presentation. Our group was assigned a topic titled "Telecommunication in High Rise Buildings". Personally, I believe we had a very strong unity in the group which has helped us in overcoming the tasks that we were assigned of.

Learning Outcome:
This module has helped me in developing my problem solving skills and taught me on how to think outside the box in terms of finding a creative and innovative way in solving problems. I am able to learn more independently each week with the tutorials given by Mr. Kam. The questions are very helpful and relevant in terms of understanding more on what sort of lesson to take from Building Services classes. On the other hand, I was able to appreciate more on the importance of teamwork and communication among group members. Discussions and arguments among the group has helped me develop myself as a person. The assignment has helped me a lot in terms of teamwork as the arguments and ideas from one another has help us in solving the critical problems of our assignment and not to forget, help bring our friendship closer among classmates.

Measurement 2

This subject is a continuation of Measurement 1 from the previous semester. Measurement subjects are the core subjects in Quantity Surveying courses. The lecturer for this module is Puan Habizah Sheikh Ilmi, who is a very hardworking and helpful lecturer. In this particular subject, Measurement 2, our class has underwent similar measuring quantities such as volume of concrete, formwork of concrete, reinforcement steel bars and also finishes. The elements to take off are roof, staircase, ceilings and floor. Taking off these elements would acquire us to understand more in reading and identifying the quantities in both architectural and structured drawings. These quantities that are measured throughout this subject must be based upon the SMM2 (Malaysian Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works Second Edition). Our group assignment for this semester consists of 6 person in a group. In this assignment, we were asked to measure the wall elements and its finishes and floor finishes for a bungalow building.

Learning outcome:
Throughout this module, personally, I am able to understand more on how to take off quantities and also able to visualize more on how taking off mechanism works. This would really help me to get a step ahead when entering the construction industry in the near future. Although there were critical problems faced during assignments and preparations for exams, I was able to collaborate with my classmates in learning and obtain a better understanding by helping each other out during discussions throughout completing the group assignment.