Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Measurement 2

This subject is a continuation of Measurement 1 from the previous semester. Measurement subjects are the core subjects in Quantity Surveying courses. The lecturer for this module is Puan Habizah Sheikh Ilmi, who is a very hardworking and helpful lecturer. In this particular subject, Measurement 2, our class has underwent similar measuring quantities such as volume of concrete, formwork of concrete, reinforcement steel bars and also finishes. The elements to take off are roof, staircase, ceilings and floor. Taking off these elements would acquire us to understand more in reading and identifying the quantities in both architectural and structured drawings. These quantities that are measured throughout this subject must be based upon the SMM2 (Malaysian Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works Second Edition). Our group assignment for this semester consists of 6 person in a group. In this assignment, we were asked to measure the wall elements and its finishes and floor finishes for a bungalow building.

Learning outcome:
Throughout this module, personally, I am able to understand more on how to take off quantities and also able to visualize more on how taking off mechanism works. This would really help me to get a step ahead when entering the construction industry in the near future. Although there were critical problems faced during assignments and preparations for exams, I was able to collaborate with my classmates in learning and obtain a better understanding by helping each other out during discussions throughout completing the group assignment.

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