Saturday, 5 December 2015

Measurement 4

This subject is a 4 credit hour module conducted by Mr. Loo Seong King. This subject takes 14 weeks to cover up all of its topics. In this module, our class was able to understand and study on the measurement of external works such as surface water drainage, sumps, culverts, sewer drainage including manholes and sewer pipes, roadworks, piling works and water reticulation works. We are also able to obtain the principles of specification of writing for external works as we were given a test on sewer drainage (Manhole). As this was our first assessment for this subject, it gave us a test on our understanding on the concepts of making bills of quantities, together with the taking off on manholes. In the matter of projects, we were assigned to form a team of workers in an organization, whereby a project of a two-storied building were being carried out by a group of 7 workers, consisting of a leader, Senior Quantity Surveyors and also Assistant Quantity Surveyors. We were asked to produce a set of tender document consisting of four volumes which includes the drawings, taking offs, bills of quantities, correspondences and etc. Based on this project, I have learn the true value of working as a team, in solving measurement criteria that are encountered during the process of this tender producing project. Besides that, this assignment also helps me in revitalizing my knowledge in measuring some of the elements i have learned from Measurement 2 which are on staircases, and external finishes.

A group photo of our Consultant team

Learning Outcome:

Within the completion of this subject, I was able to understand more on the items to be taken into account when measuring external works such as surface water drainage, sewer drainage, roadworks, piling works and etc. I am also more aware of the difference in writing up the descriptions in accordance to the design of the items being taken off. This subject is really beneficial and important to me as it helps build the foundation on making me a quality Quantity Surveyor.

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