Sunday, 28 June 2015

Management Science

This subject is taught by Mdm Tay Shir Men. The module has given us the understanding on concepts, theories and principles to management and various organizational characteristics. The classes and lectures being conducted by Mdm Tay also gives us an idea on how to become and efficient and effective individual. For the group assignment, we were assigned to form a team of 4 people to write a report on how to start up a construction company with one million in capital. The report is conclusive of the short, medium and long term goals of the company as well as its vision and mission. Organizational charts to indicate the job scope of each position must also be stated in the report. As for the second part of the assignment, the company has to assign 3 project managers for further development. In consequence, we are acquired to suggest two activities to test the credibility of the potential candidates as to whether they are suited to the requirements. Part 3 of the company's report would be on how they are going to utilize information technology and information management skills which would subsequently create competitive advantages.

Learning Outcome:

This module has help enhanced the understanding of the different types of management tools in not only the construction industry but also applies to most organization. The classes, notes and lectures has helped me develop new decision making strategies and understand more motivational concepts. Throughout the subject, I have studied and understand more on the procedures for strategy formulation and decision making. It also helps me realize the importance of an establish and quality management skills to an organization.

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