Saturday, 5 December 2015


This module is taught by Puan Azrina B Md Yaaakob. Throughout this subject, we were given an overview and knowledge on the principles of estimating and pricing elements such as materials, profits and labours. Estimating skills are an essential skill for a Quantity Surveyor to conquer and master, as it help clients to allocate the project cost within a very short period.

The teaching objectives of this module are as follows:

1. To develop refine skills relating to the build-up rate for various types of materials and elements covered in measurement modules.

2. To develop an awareness of the nature, content and significance of estimating to the construction projects.

3. To develop awareness on the effect of different build-up rate components to the rate of materials.

4. To appreciate the various methods of estimating and the factors involved in the preparation of estimating.

There were 2 different assignments being assigned to us in this module, whereby the first one involved an assignment in a form of a seminar. We were asked to form a group to present on a selected topic during tutorial classes. Question and answer session will take place after every seminar held. For the second assignment, we had to form a group of 8 students acting as a contracting company, competing for a project through tender process. The tender process being used was selective tender as we were invited to participate in that particular tender. The tender document was receiver by our company's leader, Kevin Lee, and we had to fill in the prices in the tender. We had to obtain rates from many different sources and building up rates work was need to fulfill the task. As for the presentation part of the assignment, we were assigned to present to our director on the reasons to failing in submitting tender on time. Personally I enjoyed having this experience as it gave us a glimpse on what it feels like to participate in a tender and I also believe it is a good practice for the sake of my future endeavors. 

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