Saturday, 5 December 2015

Professional Practice 1

This subject is taught by Mr Ramar A/L Subramaniam. Throughout this module, we gained the understanding on both the contractor and consultant quantity surveyor's responsibilites from the feasibility to final account stage. The lectures and tutorial classes held by Mr Ramar has helped me understand more on the scope of work of a QS and help develop awareness on the provisionals of the Standard Contract form related to constructions. In this module, we are more focused on PAM Contract 2006. Mr Ramar also helps us to understand more on the nature of tender and procurement methods in the construction industry which i personally believe would help me move forward in terms of embedding myself in the construction world. During the mid term exam of Professional Practice 1, we were tested on the role as a quantity surveyor, tender method and procedure and also types of procurement. As for the assignment, we are assigned to be paired in a group of 2 to recommend our client, Taylor's Uni, on how to choose the types of tendering and procurement system being used to build a 5 storied car park. Pros and cons were made to derive to a recommendation to Taylor's Uni on which methods to use.
PAM Contract Cover

Learning Outcome:

Throughout the whole course of this subject, I have been able to understand more on how the subjects I learn throughout my Diploma and partially my Degree days, relate to what I will be doing if I ever want to become a chartered Quantity Surveyor. Besides that, I was also able to learn the various tendering process and procurement methods available in the industry. In addition, I also gained the knowledge regarding EoT, LAD, Insurance, Interim Valuations, Claims, PC Sum, Provisional Sum and etc. Personally, I like this subject because it gives me a little idea on the different roles a Quantity Surveyor could play a part on a project from inception to completion stage.

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