Saturday, 5 December 2015

Professional Practice 1

This subject is taught by Mr Ramar A/L Subramaniam. Throughout this module, we gained the understanding on both the contractor and consultant quantity surveyor's responsibilites from the feasibility to final account stage. The lectures and tutorial classes held by Mr Ramar has helped me understand more on the scope of work of a QS and help develop awareness on the provisionals of the Standard Contract form related to constructions. In this module, we are more focused on PAM Contract 2006. Mr Ramar also helps us to understand more on the nature of tender and procurement methods in the construction industry which i personally believe would help me move forward in terms of embedding myself in the construction world. During the mid term exam of Professional Practice 1, we were tested on the role as a quantity surveyor, tender method and procedure and also types of procurement. As for the assignment, we are assigned to be paired in a group of 2 to recommend our client, Taylor's Uni, on how to choose the types of tendering and procurement system being used to build a 5 storied car park. Pros and cons were made to derive to a recommendation to Taylor's Uni on which methods to use.
PAM Contract Cover

Learning Outcome:

Throughout the whole course of this subject, I have been able to understand more on how the subjects I learn throughout my Diploma and partially my Degree days, relate to what I will be doing if I ever want to become a chartered Quantity Surveyor. Besides that, I was also able to learn the various tendering process and procurement methods available in the industry. In addition, I also gained the knowledge regarding EoT, LAD, Insurance, Interim Valuations, Claims, PC Sum, Provisional Sum and etc. Personally, I like this subject because it gives me a little idea on the different roles a Quantity Surveyor could play a part on a project from inception to completion stage.


This module is taught by Puan Azrina B Md Yaaakob. Throughout this subject, we were given an overview and knowledge on the principles of estimating and pricing elements such as materials, profits and labours. Estimating skills are an essential skill for a Quantity Surveyor to conquer and master, as it help clients to allocate the project cost within a very short period.

The teaching objectives of this module are as follows:

1. To develop refine skills relating to the build-up rate for various types of materials and elements covered in measurement modules.

2. To develop an awareness of the nature, content and significance of estimating to the construction projects.

3. To develop awareness on the effect of different build-up rate components to the rate of materials.

4. To appreciate the various methods of estimating and the factors involved in the preparation of estimating.

There were 2 different assignments being assigned to us in this module, whereby the first one involved an assignment in a form of a seminar. We were asked to form a group to present on a selected topic during tutorial classes. Question and answer session will take place after every seminar held. For the second assignment, we had to form a group of 8 students acting as a contracting company, competing for a project through tender process. The tender process being used was selective tender as we were invited to participate in that particular tender. The tender document was receiver by our company's leader, Kevin Lee, and we had to fill in the prices in the tender. We had to obtain rates from many different sources and building up rates work was need to fulfill the task. As for the presentation part of the assignment, we were assigned to present to our director on the reasons to failing in submitting tender on time. Personally I enjoyed having this experience as it gave us a glimpse on what it feels like to participate in a tender and I also believe it is a good practice for the sake of my future endeavors. 


This subject is taught by Mr. Chai Voon Chiet. Structures are mainly the studies of applied physics to buildings, whereby we are able to learn how civil engineers design the structural concept demanded by the client and architect. The structural methods implied in this subject are Forces and Equilibrium, Truss, Method of joints, Method of section, shear forces diagram, bending moment diagram and etc.

The teaching module of this subject is as follows:-

1. To provide students with a continuation study of the development and understanding of basic concept of structures taken in construction technology.

2. To understand the structural systems including foundations that are essential and integral components of all type of buildings.

3. To establish a clear understanding of the physical behavior of structural elements and complete systems.

4. To identify the structural principles and the knowledge gained is appropriately applied to ensure that there is a total integration of structural function and action with the overall design objectives.

We were given one assignment and mid term test for this module. In the case of the assignment, it is an individual assignment where we had to find the forces acting on the truss using graphical method. The mid term test on the other hand is based on resolutions of forces and moments about a point.

Learning Outcome:

Throughout this module, we are able to understand better on the factors needed to be taken into consideration when designing the building elements. This subject has also gave me a better understanding on the logic of building designs, whether or not a design can be constructed. Although this subject is only on the principles of structures, I now know that by applying physics to building designs, we can foresee whether a particular design is buildable or simply impossible to be built.

Software Application for Quantity Surveying

This subject is taught by two lecturers which are Puan Habizah Sheikh Ilmi and Miss Lim Tze Shwan. Software Application for Quantity Surveying subject helps us in learning to utilize the available softwares in the market and further improve our skills in measuring with better accuracy and speed when carrying out works. For this particular module, we are being introduced with two of the most conventional softwares in Cost X and Global Estimating. These two softwares are widely used by Quantity Surveyors all around the world in carrying out measurement and preparing bills of quantities for tendering. In the case of Global Estimating software, we are able to learn ways in preparing and documenting bills of quantities, price list and rates, and cost plans with the guidance from Puan Habizah. For Cost X on the other hand, Miss Lim has guide us in learning and understanding the advantages of this software whereby it is able to use jpeg or Cad drawings to quantify the works into carrying out measurement of building elements. We were given two assignments in this subject. For the first assignment, we were assigned to form a group of 5 and were required to make a report on different kind of softwares available in the market, which is used in the Quantity Surveying industry. We had to find informations on what kind of softwares that are available in the market and further explain the uses of these softwares and also compare each and every one of the chosen softwares. For the conclusion, we had to decide on which software is the most prolific and most efficient among the chosen softwares. For the second assignment, we were required to prepare Bill of quantities, including the breakdown of the rates by using Global Estimating. We were asked to find and allocate the material and labour cost from suppliers or via the internet, in order to derive the total amount to be put in the BQ. The element to be measured is obtained from our Measurement 4 subject whereby it is linked to its assignment. In my case, I have chosen to calculate the staircase finishes. Last but not least, we had to take a final test for this subject whereby our knowledge and ability in the two softwares are being tested. We were asked to calculate the quantities via these two softwares. We had to notify all the breakdown for the elements, with the material and labour costs included. 

Learning Outcome:

This module provides us with the basic knowledge on preparing BQ, building up rates, and pricebooks by using the two said softwares. Personally, I think this subject is really interesting and I have a strong believe that one day it would be very useful for me in carrying out real work. I believe this software brings a lot of benefits as it is much easier to use comparing to manual hand written work. Furthermore, using this softwares can cost us a lot more time. It gives Quantity Surveyors another dynamic in a way which work is carried out in a direct collection of quantities and measurements for costs estimations.

Measurement 4

This subject is a 4 credit hour module conducted by Mr. Loo Seong King. This subject takes 14 weeks to cover up all of its topics. In this module, our class was able to understand and study on the measurement of external works such as surface water drainage, sumps, culverts, sewer drainage including manholes and sewer pipes, roadworks, piling works and water reticulation works. We are also able to obtain the principles of specification of writing for external works as we were given a test on sewer drainage (Manhole). As this was our first assessment for this subject, it gave us a test on our understanding on the concepts of making bills of quantities, together with the taking off on manholes. In the matter of projects, we were assigned to form a team of workers in an organization, whereby a project of a two-storied building were being carried out by a group of 7 workers, consisting of a leader, Senior Quantity Surveyors and also Assistant Quantity Surveyors. We were asked to produce a set of tender document consisting of four volumes which includes the drawings, taking offs, bills of quantities, correspondences and etc. Based on this project, I have learn the true value of working as a team, in solving measurement criteria that are encountered during the process of this tender producing project. Besides that, this assignment also helps me in revitalizing my knowledge in measuring some of the elements i have learned from Measurement 2 which are on staircases, and external finishes.

A group photo of our Consultant team

Learning Outcome:

Within the completion of this subject, I was able to understand more on the items to be taken into account when measuring external works such as surface water drainage, sewer drainage, roadworks, piling works and etc. I am also more aware of the difference in writing up the descriptions in accordance to the design of the items being taken off. This subject is really beneficial and important to me as it helps build the foundation on making me a quality Quantity Surveyor.